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The year 2024 witnessed the graduation of Yixuan, who is now doing her postdoctoral research at ZHOU Lab CUHK

The year 2023 witnessed the graduation of Thomas Chan, who is now doing his postdoctoral research at ZHOU Lab CUHK

Billy was our summer undergraduate student in 2023, he won poster presentation award under supervison of Prof. Zhou and Huanyu

The year 2021 witnessed the graduation of Shu Ting, who is now doing her Ph.D. research at Tsinghua University
The year 2022 witnessed the graduation of Jiahuan, who is now doing her postdoctoral research at ZHOU Lab CUHK

Yixuan on AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) conference, which was held in San Diego on April, 2024

Yixuan on KAI (The Korean Associationof Immunologists) conference, which was held in Incheon, Korea on Sepetember, 2023

Thomas and Prof. Chen Zhiwei on AAI (The American Association of Immunologists) conference, which was held in Washington D.C., USA on May, 2023

Jiahuan, Prof. Zhou and Yixuan (from left to right) on IDDF (International Digestive Disease Forum) conference, which was held in Hong Kong, 2021
Press Release

CU Medicine uncovers the keys for liver cancer adaptation to immunotherapy Pioneering new combination therapy in a Phase II clinical trial
8 media outlets attending the press conference including TVB News, Commercial Radio, Now TV, Skypost, Am730, ODN, Ming Pao and Medical Inspire
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